2021 Government Department Strategies Index Handbook

The GDS Index aims to illustrate how New Zealand might strengthen government department strategies (GDSs) to be more effective, responsive, measurable, comparable and durable through public consultation, engagement and ownership. If government departments make the content of GDSs more useful, these strategies’ users will be better able to assess their quality and, where appropriate, to work with government to deliver better outcomes more cost-effectively.
The 2021 GDS Index Handbook is a ring-bound, A4, 293 page book that provides a comprehensive list of all operational government department strategies, as of 31 December 2021. Each strategy has a dedicated page, summarising its purpose and strategic approach, detailing its scores against the various elements of the Institute's GDS Scorecard, and stating its ranking against other strategies of the same department and sector, as well as its ranking out of the total 221 strategies assessed.
$44.50 (inc. GST and postage in NZ).